




曼达洛人被吸引到外环去寻找他的同类。The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) and Baby Yoda/ the Child go to see a certain one-eyed alien called Gor Koresh (John Leguizamo) at an illegal ring fight. Mando needs information on other Mandalorians in hiding, to help him reunite Baby Yoda with his kind, and he had heard that Gor Koresh could provide that. Except Gor Koresh has other plans. After Mando refuses to bet his beskar armor for the ongoing brawl inside the ring, Koresh shoots the opponent he was betting against and then points his gun at Mando, along with three of his henchmen.Mando was Gor Koresh that he'll let him live if he gives the information that Mando is seeking. When Gor Koresh refuses Mando activates "whistling birds" - tiny rockets on his arm and makes short work of Gor Koresh's paid henchmen. Koresh tries to flee in the ensuing chaos but Mando catches up with him outside and hangs him upside down on a street light. With his life on the line, Koresh divulges that he had heard of another Mandalorian on Tatooine. Mando then leaves Koresh to die at the claws of unknown noctual creatures.On retuing to Tatooine Mando meets up with the mechanic Peli Motto (Amy Sedaris). Motto is very pleased to lea that Baby Yoda is alive and well, and surprised to see that Mando is now okay with her droids touching his ship. Mando takes Motto's help in finding out the Tatooine city Gor Koresh was speaking about, a certain Mos Pelgo, which is not seen on any mode maps. Motto says that's because it was wiped out during the war, and it's a simple mining settlement now. Mando requests a speeder bike from Motto which she gladly gives.Mando arrives in Mos Pelgo with its inhabitants regarding the new arrival with caution. Mando steps off his speeder bike and steps into an empty cantina and asks the barkeep where he can find "a man who looks like me". The barkeep points to the Marshal of the town sporting pieces of the Boba Fett armor at the door, who strides towards Mando and order two shots of spotchka, a blue-coloured drink. He sits at a nearby table and promptly takes off his helmet (Timothy Olyphant) an act that is forbidden in the Mandalorian creed.For Mando, a random guy wearing another Mandalorian's armor is sacrilege, and he immediately demands that the Marshal take it off and hand it over. Their stand-off is interrupted by an earthquake of sorts, which is revealed to be a giant krayt dragon that has been terrorising the town of Mos Pelgo. The Marshal makes Mando an offer: help him slay the dragon and in exchange the Marshal will part with the armor. Mando accepts and the two set off on their speeders towards the dragon's lair. Along the way, the Marshal reveals his backstory: he's Cobb Vanth, a lifelong resident of Tatooine who survived an attack from the Mining Collective on Mos Pelgo after the destruction of Death Star II. He escaped unknowingly with a box of crystals, which he traded to his Jawa rescuers in exchange for his freedom and remnants of the Boba Fett armor they had salvaged.Along the way to the dragon's cave, they encounter the Sand People and their beasts. Mando speaks Tusken and helps them form an alliance to take down the krayt dragon together. But they will need more help to take on the mammoth beast that lives underground. Mando volunteers Cobb Vanth's townsfolk, except it's not that straightforward. The Sand People and the Mos Pelgo citizens don't see eye to eye, due to skirmishes between the two. Mando and Cobb Vanth make a joint appeal, reminding them that the krayt dragon can swallow whole Mos Pelgo one day if it likes. That gets them on board and together. They put a plan in motion: wake up the dragon, grab onto it with giant spikes to hold him in place, and then blow a series of charges that have been covertly buried in the sand since the dragon's underbelly is the only vulnerable body part.But the plan, it doesn't go well. The krayt dragon senses it's being lured out and tries to slip back into his cave. The joint forces pelt him with blasters and explosives to enrage it. That works but it also works against them, after the krayt dragon spouts acid bile which vaporizes anything it touches. To add to their misery, the first series of explosives barely make a dent in the beast's thick skin.Now even angrier, the krayt dragon tus the tables on its puny opponents, as it burrows underground and emerges from unexpected places. First, the top of a nearby mountain, and then from the sand dunes behind the attacking front. Mando hatches a plan on the spot with the remaining explosives that are tied to a bantha as Cobb Vanth gets the dragon's attention. As it approaches them, Mando pushes Vanth out of the way and is swallowed whole by the dragon along with the explosive laden bantha who then goes undergroundAfter half a minute the krayt dragon again emerges from underground, and a flying Mando emerges alongside, having electrically shocked the inside of the beast's mouth with his weapons to open it. Mando then hits the trigger and the bantha with the explosives, now deep in the dragon's belly, rip it apart.With the krayt dragon dealt with and Boba Fett's armor back where it belongs, Mando bids Cobb Vanth goodbye and heads back to his spaceship that he left with the mechanic Peli Motto. And as the episode closes a bald man with two weapons slung across his back watches Mando on his speeder from afar. He tus and reveals himself to be Boba Fett.


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