
萨维奇一家 (2007)

劳拉·琳妮  菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼  菲利普·博斯科  
2024-02-06 10:57:50
The Savages / 野蛮家族 / 沙煲兄妹日记 / 亲情触我心
温迪(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)是个生活在纽约、38岁的剧作家,她的工作只能勉强维持生活,没有婚姻,与一..【详细】


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温迪(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)是个生活在纽约、38岁的剧作家,她的工作只能勉强维持生活,没有婚姻,与一个有妇之夫维持着不正当关系,生活堪称一团混乱;她有个生活得很潇洒的哥哥乔恩(菲利普· 塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman 饰),在水牛城做大学教授,看上去春风得意,但也有自己的烦恼——女友即将离开他回东欧,他很伤心,但因不愿结婚没有挽留。一日,获悉父亲(菲利普·鲍斯科 Philip Bosco 饰)得了老年痴呆,许久未联系的兄妹二人重聚在一起,将父亲安顿到疗养院,尽到轮换照料他的责任。在这个麻烦和争吵不断过程中,两兄妹回忆起儿时父亲专制、不负责任的往事,对照二人现今各自的孤独,重新思考了“家庭”的意义,而父亲的死亡也终要到来……Middle aged siblings Jon Savage and Wendy Savage, who live in Buffalo and New York City respectively, have been estranged from their parents for several years, who themselves are no longer together. They saw their mother as largely being absent from their lives even before this estrangement, while they accuse their father of being abusive to them when they were growing up. Although this dysfunction has negatively affected both siblings, it seems to have affected Wendy more, she, who, although armed with an MFA, does office temp work to make ends meet - among other more less than ethical means - while writing scathing autobiographical plays as therapy, those plays which have thus far been unproduced. She is in a relationship with Larry, a married older man, which keeps her from pursuing other people. And she readily lies to get what she wants, which has the end goal of making herself feel better about her less than satisfying life. Jon and Wendy lea through the grapevine that their father, Leonard Savage, has been acting out of late in an aggressive manner. Soon after, they lea that Lenny's live-in partner of twenty years, Doris Metzger, has just passed away. Jon and Wendy use the opportunity of the funeral to travel to Sun City, Arizona to check up on their father. What was supposed to be a quick oveight trip ends up being extended as they find out that Lenny is suffering from early dementia - the reason for his aggressive behavior - most-likely the result of Parkinson's. Also, they lea that they are now responsible for him as he can no longer live in Doris' house. Jon and Wendy have different opinions of what type of care is best for their father, although they have to make united decisions. Caring for and reconnecting with Lenny as well as making those important care-giving decisions in this end stage of his life take their toll on Jon and Wendy, although both siblings have to confront the goings-on in their own sad lives in the process.


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