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在神话般的时间旅行中,回到武士时代,年轻的花,在当今的日子里不快乐和折磨,终于找到了她在世界上的位置。有一天,她梦见了另一位生活在过去的年轻女孩。没想到第二天,她就被神秘的政府特工带走。他们坚信她的梦想可以拯救世界。凭借令人惊讶的色彩处理,清晰的叙事通过年轻葵伊特的精彩表演将我们带到过去或未来。  In fabulous travels in time, back to the time of the samurai, young Hana, unhappy and tormented in the present days, can finally finding her place in the world. One day, she dreams of another young girl who lived in the past. Unexpectedly, the following day, she is taken by mysterious govement agents. Who are convinced that her dreams may save the world. With a surprising colour treatment, a clear narrative takes us to the past or the future through the fine acting of the young Aoi It.

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